Aircraft Noise


We are mindful of the impact of aircraft noise on residents living near the Airport, and are consciously working with local operators and relevant Authorities to mitigate the impact of noise. In striving to minimise the impact of noise, please note that we are not intending to stop, obstruct or deter general aviation within the region, nor to unreasonably restrict aviation related business activity, but to partner with industry to be considerate and communicate with local residents. 

As the airport operator, we have limited authority or ability to restrict the hours of operation of the Airport and/or the hours of operation or the frequency of activity of aircraft operators. We are bound by the terms of the 1992 Deed, transferring ownership of the Airport to Council from the Australian Government which requires Council to allow "open, unrestricted and non-discriminatory access to the aerodrome by airline and aircraft operators”. The Deed also requires the Airport, like other major transport infrastructure, to remain open to aircraft operations 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and Airservices Australia are the Government authorities regulating aviation. CASA regulates Australian aviation safety, including airports, aircraft and airspace regulation.  Airservices Australia is responsible for airspace management, including flight paths and aircraft noise. All aircraft operating in Australia, including training aircraft, must meet international noise standards and comply with the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018.

While we are limited in our ability to restrict the hours of operation of the Airport, we seek to find an appropriate balance of aircraft activity that is considerate of local residents without unduly restricting local general aviation business activity. We are able to play a productive role in engaging with local residents and aircraft operators by facilitating open communication and understanding and to identify and encourage measures that minimise noise and reduce its impacts on neighbouring residents.

In response to recent noise complaints, local operators have voluntarily endorsed a Fly Neighbourly Agreement that includes a range of practical measures to minimise the impact of aircraft noise on residents living near the Airport. The Agreement has been adopted on a trial basis, commencing 1 June 2022.

Enquiring about aircraft noise

Airservices Australia is the Government Authority for Aircraft Noise Management. For information on how Airservices works with the community and manage aircraft noise, visit their website here. Airservices Australia also manages a dedicated Aircraft Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).  To make a complaint, refer to their services online via Making a complaint - Airservices (, or:

Phone: 1800 802 584 (freecall)


              Noise Complaints and Information Service

               PO Box 211

               Mascot NSW 1460

We also maintain a register of noise enquiries and complaints. To enquire, complain or provide feedback about Aircraft Noise, please use the Aircraft Noise Feedback Form

Circuit Training

Circuit training is the first stage of practical pilot training focused on take-offs and landings. It involves the pilot making approaches to the runway, touching down and then applying power to take off again (commonly known as a “touch and go”).

Circuit training is undertaken in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Regulations which are consistent with international practices. The size and location of the circuit is controlled to ensure the safety of all aircraft operations at the airport. This may result in training being undertaken over residential areas, especially where these are in close proximity to the airport, and also at night time.

A training circuit consists of five legs – the take-off, crosswind, downwind, base and final approach to the runway. The take off and final stage of the circuit is flown into the wind, as this is the safest way for an aircraft to operate.

At Port Macquarie Airport, circuit training is conducted with a standard left hand (the most common) circuit, meaning that aircraft turn left after take-off and fly in an anticlockwise direction around the Airport.

What are the circuit training hours of operation?

There are no regulated hours for circuit training, but most airports like Port Macquarie have local agreements in place to avoid circuits during the late night to early morning, typically 10pm to 7am.

We work closely with local aircraft operators to limit the majority of circuit training to the following hours to minimise disruption to nearby residents:

Monday to Friday

  • 0700hrs - 2200hrs AEDT
  • 0700hrs - 2100hrs AEST


  • 0800hrs - 1800hrs

Sunday and Public Holidays

  • No continuous circuit training

Other non-training aircraft arriving or departing the Airport are not subject to these training limits and may still need to fly around the circuit to land safely. Please note however, that under the agreement, recreational aircraft may commence continuous circuit training from 0600hrs weekdays and that operators may catch up on lost time caused by weather, airspace, technical or other disruptions, on Sundays between 0800hrs and 1600hrs. 
