
How early should I arrive at the Airport before my flight?

To ensure a relaxed travelling experience, we recommend arriving at the Airport well in advance of your scheduled departure time.  For specific rules on check-in times, please check your flight booking or contact your airline. 


What luggage can I take on my flight?

Please check your flight booking, or contact your airline to clarify arrangements and rules regarding luggage on your flight.  For security requirements, please refer to security screening.


Why don’t all flights / passengers undergo security screening at the Airport?

Security at Australian Airports is regulated by the Federal Government through the Department of Home Affairs under the Aviation Transport Security Act (2004) and Regulations (2005). Under these regulations, flights with less than 40 passengers (such as the Rex Saab 340 aircraft operating at Port Macquarie), may not require mandatory security screening of passengers.



Flight Information

Can I check current flight schedules and status?

Yes, please refer to our Flight Information page to view status of current arrivals and departures.


What destinations are offered from Port Macquarie Airport and how do I access flight information?

Port Macquarie Airport offer direct flights to three destinations:

  • Sydney (QantasLink and Rex)
  • Brisbane (QantasLink)
  • Lord Howe Island (Eastern Air Services)

For bookings and flight information please refer to the airline's website. Further details are available at Airlines & Destinations.



Are luggage storage facilities available at the Airport.

Luggage storage facilities are not available at the Airport


Are shower facilities available at the Airport?

Shower facilities are not available at the Airport


Are baggage trolleys available at the Airport?

Baggage trolleys are not available at the Airport.


Can I see CCTV footage at the airport?

No, CCTV can only be shared with relevant authorities, including NSW Police, on request.  To request footage in relation to an incident (e.g. incident in the car park), please refer the matter to Police.


Can I pre-pay for parking fees

Pre-paid parking is not available.  Simply take a ticket, or scan your credit card on arrival.


Can I pay for parking using the credit card on my phone?

Yes, however please note that the parking machine has a paywave limit.  Parking fees in excess of $100 require a physical card, or cash.


Can I park my car undercover?

 At this stage, there are no public undercover car parking facilities at the Airport.  Port Macquarie Airport Vehicles offers secure, undercover parking, see: www.portmacquarieairportvehicles.com.au

What do I do if I lose my parking ticket?

The car parking pay stations and boom gates have a help button.  If you need assistance, including a lost car parking ticket, please press the button and you will be able to speak with a parking attendant to resolve your issue.  

Activity at the Airport

Can I monitor aircraft activity in the area?

Websites and apps that monitor aircraft activity, such as Flight Aware and Flight Radar are a popular way for aviation enthusiasts and local residents to monitor aircraft activity.  These websites publish data transmitted by an aircraft’s transponder. Note that not all Aircraft are required to use a transponder.  Note also that altitude data published by the these websites, do not accurately represent the aircraft’s altitude above sea level. 


Lost Property and Baggage

For items left on an aircraft, lost or misplaced luggage, damaged luggage or luggage left on the baggage carousel, please contact your airline directly.

Lost property enquiries, for items lost in the terminal, may be directed to Council on (02) 6581 8111.

For items lost in taxis, buses or other transport on the way to or from the airport please contact the transport provider.